Current Pond 48° F
Updated: 2.22.25

2016 March Newsletter


Events & Classes at Falling Water Gardens

Save The Date!

Mother’s Day Extravaganza!

Ok we know it’s about a month out but we just wanted to let you all know about our wonderful Mother’s Day Extravaganza we’ll be having the day before Mother’s Day and on Mother’s  Day. As with our events in the past all Mother’s receive a free flower or plant to take home. We will also have yummy snacks and refreshments for the whole family. Several special discounts will also be available on those two days.


Classes will start back up in April. Is there a special topic you would like covered like what plants to use for the pond, awesome fragrant plants, etc.? Please let us know! We’re here to help you!

Special Classes

Ladies Night at Falling Water GardensLadies Night

Ladies Night will start back up in April along with classes. Please let us know if there is something you’d be interested in learning about or crafting!

Please note that we’ve updated our newsletter format. You may navigate through this newsletter by clicking on the page numbers below.