Current Pond 48° F
Updated: 2.22.25

2016 May Newsletter


Falling Water Gardens


Falling Water Gardens is taking reservations for 2016 and currently has an awesome discount for this year! For further details visit our wedding page.


Glamping was a huge hit this year! Thank you to everyone who came out and used our tents. Glamping tents will be opening back up in June. You can still reserve your time in advance. Head on over to our glamping page.

Plant Data Base

yellowdaisiesHave you checked out our plant data base? It contains all the information about the plants that we sell at the nursery and more!

We have even taken it one step further and have incorporated QR codes into the database to help you save and recall information on the plants you are interested in at home or have bought from our nursery. You can bring us the saved plants from this data base to help us locate the ones you want. As well as when you come to Falling Water Gardens you will be able to scan the plant signs to get further information about the plants and flowers.

fallingwaterdesignsplantsWhat is a QR code? In the simplest terms a QR code is a barcode. Most smart phones come equipped with a barcode/QR code reader that will scan the QR code and bring you to the web page of information about our plants. From there you can bookmark the page. If yours does not contain a QR code reader already you can download one for free through your phone’s app store.