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2017 April Newsletter

April - Spring

Cool Plants

Here are some plants that we have in stock and that we think looks great in your garden right now. Want to know more about these plants? Visit our plant database.

lithodora-diffusa-grace-wardLithodora ‘Grace Ward’

This blue mat-like perennial looks gorgeous around rocks and landscape boulders. Use at the top of retaining walls or to soften unsightly curbs. Like a ground cover, it spreads over a very large area. Great on slopes, berms and banks to offer both color and erosion control. Though it’s ideal for the traditional rock garden, it’s also a natural in the Mediterranean landscape.

  • Light need: Partial to Full Sun
  • Plant characteristic: Evergreen

forsythia-fiestaForsythia ‘Fiesta’

This is a variegated form of forsythia which makes a very nice medium sized plant. It grows far slower than the other forms of forsythia we grow but will eventually get 6 to 8 feet tall. It flowers with typical forsythia flowers. Its main difference from other forsythias is the variegated leaf and reddish stems that make quite a show throughout the entire summer, as opposed to the other varieties of forsythia which make a big splash in the early spring and just take up room for the rest of the year.

  • Light need: Partial to Full Sun
  • Plant characteristic: Deciduous

Lysimachia nummularia 'Aurea'Lysimachia nummularia ‘Aurea’

Creeping Jenny is much more restrained in habit than the more common green type. Plants form a low mat of butter-yellow leaves, bearing bright golden-yellow flowers from late spring into the summer. Excellent in pots and tubs, or cascading over walls. Outstanding when used as a foliage accent. Consider combining this with any of the bronze or purple leaved Coral Bells.

  • Light need: Full Shade to Partial Sun
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart'Dicentra spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’

The old-fashioned Bleeding Heart has been a garden favorite for years. It’s a substantial plant that bears long, arching racemes of pink flowers. ‘Gold Heart’ is a classic beauty with one marvelous variation: It has metallic gold leaves and peach-colored stems instead of the usual green.

  • Light need: Full Shade to Partial Sun
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Marsh MarigoldCaltha palustris ‘Marsh Marigold’

Marsh Marigold produces 2-inch yellow flowers in spring. The plants tolerate sun or some shade but in the sun they must have a Prefers Wet Soil. They prefer a wet, acid soil and can be grown near water. The leaves are shiny and bright green.

  • Light need: Full Shade to Partial Sun
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous


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