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2017 May Newsletter

Cool Plants

Here are some plants that we have in stock and that we think looks great in your garden right now. Want to know more about these plants? Visit our plant database.

spottydotty2Podophyllum peltatum ‘Spotty Dotty’

Mayapple is a rhizomatous, native woodland perennial with leaves in the shape of an umbrella. They may form large colonies. In spring, white or pale pink waxy flowers are mostly hidden under the leaves. The greenish “mayapple” follows and is often eaten by wildlife.

  • Light need: Shade
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Hakonechloa-macra-All-GoldHakonechloa macra ‘All Gold’

Having all the admirable qualities of its deservedly popular cousin, H. macra ‘Aureola’ — long sword-shaped leaves that form graceful clumps — but the foliage of this newcomer is completely golden, without a tincture of tree green, making it even more striking when planted along a woodland path or beside a shady terrace, or anywhere in soft, dappled light.

  • Light need: Full Shade to Partial Sun
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Euphorbia Palustris ‘Spurge’

Best grown in medium to wet, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade. Tolerant of wet soils and can grow in shallow water. Plants generally appreciate some afternoon shade in hot summer climates. Clumps tend to open up and lose their attractive shape in too much shade. Best with sharply-drained soils, however this species tolerates heavier soils than most other species of spurge. Plants are tolerant of poor soils, including rocky-sandy ones.  Wear gloves when working with this plant because plant sap may irritate the skin. Remove flower heads after bloom. Will self-seed in the garden.

  • Light need: Full Sun to Part Shade
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous perennial

Hippuris-vulgarisHippuris vulgaris ‘Mare’s Tail’

Common mare’s-tail looks like a robust green bottlebrush growing in patches primarily in the shallow areas of streams, ponds, and lakes or on wet muddy shores when water levels drop. This plant is characterized by unbranched stems, abundant whorled leaves, and inconspicuous flowers. The leaves and stems vary in form depending on whether they are growing underwater or are emergent. The underwater plant portions are limp, flexible, and have very long leaves. Emergent portions are stiff and erect, with short narrow leaves.

  • Light need: Full Sun
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Hosta ‘Fire Island’

Brilliant gold rippled leaves on deep red stems provide a beautiful contrast in the garden! Lavender flowers spikes appear in mid summer as foliage matures to chartreuse. Provides excellent coverage for fading bulb foliage. This small yet vigorous grower is perfect for the front of the shady garden border.

  • Light need: Part Shade to Full Shade
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous, Perennial

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