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2019 April Newsletter


Here are April’s featured plants that we have available for purchase at Falling Water Gardens nursery. We think this selection would look great in your garden right now. Visit our plant database to learn more about aquatic & terrestrial plants.


Dicentra spectabilis 'Gold Heart'


Dicentra Spectabilis ‘Gold Heart’

The old-fashioned Bleeding Heart has been a garden favorite for years. It’s a substantial plant that bears long, arching racemes of pink flowers. ‘Gold Heart’ is a classic beauty with one marvelous variation: It has metallic gold leaves and peach-colored stems instead of the usual green. Bloom starts here in early May and lasts several weeks, subsiding with the arrival of summer heat. Plants often go dormant in midsummer (interplant with Ferns and Hostas to fill the breach). Long-lived, reliable, and will self sow.


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Daphne Transatlantica ‘Eternal Fragrance’

This Daphne stays in bloom for three whole seasons. Even during the winter, the leaves remain a striking shade of deep emerald green. Most of the blooms have at least four petals each, in shades of white and pale pink. This is an incredibly versatile plant, able to flourish equally well in small planters and left to grow into bushes outdoors.

Daphne is a shrub, and even one can fill an entire patio or enclosed porch with it’s strong, distinctive aroma. Plant shrubs at intervals within your existing garden arrangement, or create a hedge out of multiple Daphne plants. Its long life cycle means that there is enough time to enjoy its blossoms in full bloom, even if cold weather extends into the spring months.

QR CodeViola Cornuta ‘Etain’

A hardworking, compact perennial, ‘Etain’ violet forms well-behaved clumps and blooms from time to time from spring through fall. The attractive, fleshy, bright green foliage needs protection from slugs.


Scan the QR CodeAponogeton Distachyos ‘Water Hawthorn’

Water Hawthorn is known for its strange white flowers, spotted with black pollen and strong vanilla fragrance. Its oblong leaves will rest on the water surface, as this very bizarre plant prefers cooler waters, often blooming in the Spring and Fall, while going dormant in the Summer.

qr codeCaltha Palustris ‘Marsh Marigold’

Marsh Marigold produces 2-inch yellow flowers in spring. The plants tolerate sun or some shade but in the sun they must have a Prefers Wet Soil. They prefer a wet, acid soil and can be grown near water. The leaves are shiny and bright green.


Juncus-Curly-Wurlyqr codeJuncus ‘Curly Wurly’

Aptly named, this unique rush with glossy green, pencil-thin stems that spiral outward from the clump in all directions. A great deer-resistant accent plant that collectors dare not do without. This low maintenance plant prefers to be sited in a bog or other very moist environment in partial shade. Evergreen in mild winter areas.

Plant Database

Hamamelis x intermedia 'Arnold Promise'Have you checked out our plant database? It contains information about the plants that we sell at the nursery and more!

We have even taken it one step further and have incorporated QR codes into the database to help you save and recall information on the plants you are interested in at home or have bought from our nursery. You can bring us the saved plants from this data base to help us locate the ones you want. As well as when you come to Falling Water Gardens you will be able to scan the plant signs to get further information about the plants and flowers.

fallingwaterdesignsplantsWhat is a QR code? In the simplest terms a QR code is a bar code. Most smart phones come equipped with a bar code/QR code reader that will scan the QR code and bring you to the web page of information about our plants. From there you can bookmark the page. If yours does not contain a QR code reader already, you can download one for free through your phone’s app store.

Please note that we’ve updated our newsletter format. You may navigate through this newsletter by clicking on the page numbers below.