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Updated: 2.22.25

2019 September Newsletter


Here are this month’s featured plants that we have available for purchase at Falling Water Gardens nursery. We think this selection would look great in your garden right now. Visit our plant database to learn more about aquatic & terrestrial plants.


Euonymus Japonicus ‘Happiness’

Euonymus japonicus ‘Happiness’ is a relatively dwarf evergreen and its special feature is its foliage. The new growth is pale green then fading to pale yellow and maturing to a rich golden yellow before; the foliage color makes a colorful contrast with the stems which remain green. Eventually the foliage turns dark green, creating the ideal background against which the bright new foliage is shown off.

Developing into a low mound about 8in high and 10in wide after three years, eventually it reaches about 24in high and 30in wide. So it’s relatively slow growing, but is also robust and tolerant of a wide range of conditions.

  • Light Need: Shade to Partial Sun
  • Water Need: Water well to establish

Lewisia Cotyledon ‘Sunset Series’

Lewisia are native to western North America, and one of the most treasured rock garden plants. They form low, fleshy rosettes of tough evergreen leaves, bearing large star-shaped flowers in late spring and early summer. This strain features clusters blooms in sunset shades of yellow, peach, salmon, orange and pink. Best in a cool rock garden setting, with excellent drainage.

  • Light Need: Full Sun to Part Shade
  • Water Need: Prefers Dry Soil

Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'Hakonechloa Macra ‘All Gold'(Japanese Forest Grass)

Striped, bright gold foliage. Forms a weeping mound that adds grace to your garden. Prefers moist, well-drained soil and part to light shade. Ht. 6-10in.

  • Light Need: Part Sun
  • Water Need: Keep Soil Evenly Moist

Assorted Penstemon

Penstemon is a western United States native that has colorful tubular flowers on tall spikes. This prairie plant thrives in hot, sunny conditions and is a stunning addition to wildflower plantings. Another common name is beardtongue.

Easy care/low maintenance

Good for cut flowers

Attracts hummingbirds

Tolerates dry soil

  • Light Need: Full Sun to Mostly Sunny
  • Water Need: Well-drained soil

Heuchera ‘Forever Purple’

‘Forever Purple’ is a knockout with ultra-purple glossy leaves with fluted edges and great vigor. Very short spikes of purple-pink flowers in summer and four seasons of purple.

  • Light Need: Part Sun to Full Shade
  • Water Need: Well-drained soil

Rudbeckia Fulgida ‘Goldsturm’

Easily grown in dry to medium, organically rich to average, well-drained soils in full sun. Best bloom occurs in full sun, although plants will tolerate some light shade. Plants prefer consistent moisture throughout the growing season, with some tolerance for drought once established. Good air circulation is appreciated. Deadhead spent flowers to encourage additional bloom. Plants slowly spread in the garden by rhizomes.

  • Light Need: Full Sun
  • Water Need: Once established, water occasionally; more in extreme heat or containers.


Colocasia esc. Fontanesia (black/violet stem taro) gal pot | Shallow Water Plants-PottedColocasia esc. Fontanesia (black/violet stem taro)

Gardeners can grow potted Colocasia esculenta cultivars in shallow bodies of water, but other species, such as Colocasia gigantea, need better drainage. Colocasia grow very well as a pond marginal, and when grown in containers, the pots can be submerged slightly during the summer months. Containers of Colocasia must be brought indoors in cold winter climates. The major veins on the leaf are usually colored like the petiole. It performs best with morning sun and afternoon shade. Plant with compost and other materials which enhance the soil’s water-holding capacity.

  • Light Need: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Water Need: Bog gardening. Needs consistently moist soil. Violacea ‘Variegated Society Garlic’

Variegated Society Garlic is a terrific perennial plant with narrow, up to 12 inch (30 cm) long leaves. The leaves arise from a rhizome that creeps underground to form clumps up to 24 inches (60 cm) wide. The leaves and flower stems have a garlic odor when crushed. The leaves can be used in salads and in cooking. It is an easy plant to grow whether in the landscape or in containers. They are hardy in USDA zones 7-10.

  • Light Need: Full Shade to Partial Sun
  • Water Need: Provide well drained soil

Juncus ‘Lemon Swirl’

Unique, unusual foliage texture and color for moist, even boggy areas of the garden. Vertical stems are straight or swirled, yellow, green or yellow-striped, providing a shimmering effect in sun to partial shade. Clump forming. Excellent accent for pond or water garden.

  • Light Need: Full Sun
  • Water Need: Moist soil

Plant Database

Have you checked out our plant database? It contains information about the plants that we sell at the nursery and more!

We have even taken it one step further and have incorporated QR codes into the database to help you save and recall information on the plants you are interested in at home or have bought from our nursery. You can bring us the saved plants from this data base to help us locate the ones you want. As well as when you come to Falling Water Gardens you will be able to scan the plant signs to get further information about the plants and flowers.

fallingwaterdesignsplantsWhat is a QR code? In the simplest terms a QR code is a bar code. Most smart phones come equipped with a bar code/QR code reader that will scan the QR code and bring you to the web page of information about our plants. From there you can bookmark the page. If yours does not contain a QR code reader already, you can download one for free through your phone’s app store.

Please note that we’ve updated our newsletter format. You may navigate through this newsletter by clicking on the page numbers below.