Welcome to May at Falling Water Designs
This month is going to be amazing here at Falling Water Designs and Falling Water Gardens!
First of all, we have our annual Mothers Day Weekender Event on May 8th and May 9th. The weekender event will feature fun activities, refreshments and mothers can take home a complimentary 4″ plant.
Then Rustic Weddings Seattle here at Falling Water Gardens is having a FREE Wedding Venue Open House on May 8th from 10am to 4pm. If you, family, or friends are looking for that perfect wedding or event venue, be sure to mark your calendar and attend.
For more information about our Mother’s Day Weekender or the Wedding Venue Open house, click on the tabs below to read all about it!
Our May 2021 Issue
Mothers Day Weekend at Falling Water Gardens is the place to be!!
Mothers Day Weekend (BOTH May 8th & 9th) we have an extravaganza in our gardens! From complimentary plants for mom, refreshments, and a day of activities, it’s the perfect time to celebrate moms!
Be sure to come early to purchase our famous hanging flower baskets! They are the perfect gift and a great tradition you can start.
We have gift certificates available for purchase for those who want to have mom choose what they want for plants, garden decor, and other small garden gifts.
We will see you on May 8th & 9th from 10am to 6pm!!
Come see what it would be like to have your
wedding in our gardens!
Our Vendors for the Day
- Catch the Beat
- Rev. Ray Van Winkle & Associates
- Della Terra Catering
- Party on the Rocks
- Captivate Events
- Denard Productions
- Markie Jones Photography
- Orion Photo Booths
- Rachelle Erickson Photography
- Snohomish Dancing Doves
- GSR Rentals
- 413 Events
- Fern Hollow Florals
RSVP for the Wedding Event Here
May’s Featured Design of the Month
In this month’s feature, we see a beautiful design for small spaces. Our landscape design services give everyone’s property the opportunity to be a beautiful garden space.
This project was unique in that it was a multilevel space, with both garden, patio, and small water features for tranquility.
When working with Falling Water Designs we meet with you multiple times, support your questions, and always harness your ideas to create those dream landscapes.
Contact us today to start your landscaping design journey!
May’s Featured Koi – Shiro Utsuri
This month we are featuring the Shiro Utsuri, which is far beyond the basic black and white fish.
The Shiro Utsuri is a jet-black koi that has a dazzling white pattern wrapped around its body. Having quality water for the Shiro Utsuri will support luster in the skin as it grows.
We have the tools to monitor your pond
We have a great collection of products such as thermometers for gauging the temperature, kits to measure the quality of the pH Balance, and bacteria and cleaners.
Knowing the quality of your water helps you to create a thriving pond space for both your fish and your plants. In our gift shop area you can obtain pH kits, pH Up and Down products, ammonia testing kits, dechlorinators in addition to your fish foods and accessories.
Choosing the Right Pump for the Job
“How do I choose the right pump for my pond?” is a common question we receive.
The purpose of a pump is to support the circulation of water in a pond to ensure oxygen-rich water, as well as support the cleanliness of the pond if you have fish.
For ponds the following pumps are used:
– Submersible pump
– Fountain pump
– Air pump
You will need to think about the capacity and the energy consumption. If you have a waterfall, a stream, or fountain, having a pump will get the water moving so that oxygen from the air will find its way to the water of the pond.
For fountains, you will want a low-energy pump that will achieve that splashy effect that makes water features enticing.
For a waterfall or a stream, you need a stronger pond pump. To calculate how much water for your pump you will want 100 gallons of water PER inch of water width. Example: 24″ wide will = 2400 gallons of water.
For fish ponds, a good number for turning your pond volume is every 2 to 4 hours. This turning rate promotes the health and well-being of the fish.
Yet if you do not want a fountain or a waterfall in your water feature, you can opt for a common air pump, which takes care of the sufficient circulating supply of oxygen and water flow in your pond, supporting an ice-free pond in the winter.
In the Garden Center Gift Shop, we have a variety of pumps available for ponds and water features.
Plant Spotlight
HERE WE GO! It is Plants-o-plenty here at our Garden Center. Here are a few of Rick’s Favorite Plants!
Calla Lily

Winter hardy to USDA Zone 8, and may survive some Zone 7 winters with protection. Plant rhizomes 3-4” deep and 12-18” apart in spring after the threat of frost has passed. Best in moist soils with full sun to part shade. Lift rhizomes in fall and store in a damp medium such as peat or immediately replant in containers to overwinter as a houseplant. Calla lilies may be planted in up to 12” of water in the mud at the edge of ponds or water gardens.
Variegated Figwort

-Figwort is a bold-leaved foliage perennial, valued for the attractive green and creamy-white variegated leaves. Plants remain evergreen in mild winter regions. This does best in rich, Prefers Wet Soil, particularly well at the edge of a stream or pond. Figwort can be cut back in hard in summer if the foliage becomes tired looking. It’s an excellent focal-point for tubs or mixed containers. Clumps may be divided in early spring.
Darmera Peltata

– (Indian Rhubarb): Indian rhubarb has tall pink flower spikes in mid-spring followed by 1-2 feet wide leaves atop tall stalks. It provides an almost tropical effect to the otherwise woodland setting. Usually grown in the shade, it will nonetheless do well in full sun where the leaves turn a bright red in fall. The large rhizomes cling to rocks and dip their tails into the water, looking like green lobster tails.
Fabulous Plants!
Damask Rose (Rosa Autumn Damask)
Spotty Dotty

This is a collector’s plant! Mayapple is a rhizomatous, native woodland perennial with leaves in the shape of an umbrella. They may form large colonies. In spring, the lipstick pink waxy flowers are mostly hidden under the leaves. The greenish “mayapple” follows and is often eaten by wildlife.
Aralla Cordata ‘Sun King’

Aralla Cordata ‘Sun King’ – With leaves that are as big and bold as the sun, this beautiful gold form of Aralia makes an outstanding accent in the shade or part shade. Fast growing and deciduous. Small clusters of white, satellite-like flowers in late summer are followed by purple berries. Performs well in containers or in the landscape.
Rhubarb Victoria

Rhubarb Victoria plants are a seasonal favorite. You will want to plant them in an area where you aren’t likely to disturb them during summer growth or winter dormancy. They do require a sunny spot with fertile, well-drained soil, clear of weeds, ideally with average summer temperatures of 75degrees F.
Gift Shop & Statuary Goodies!!
We are busting at the seams with gift shop items! Be sure to stop by our gift shop too and look for those small little items to compliment your garden statuary!
Here is just a sample of some of our fun novelty items!
Don’t forget those more lavish items for your landscapes, our garden decor can’t be beaten!