It’s almost Mother’s Day!
We may be well into spring, but the month of May is when things really start to pick up speed here at Falling Water Gardens!
We have two big events coming in the next few weeks: our Mother’s Day spectacular, and our open house for Weddings at Falling Water Gardens – more on both events below.
With the warm weather finally here, we also have some important info on care for your fish.

Celebrate Mother’s Day Weekend at Falling Water Gardens!
It’s our annual extravaganza, May 13th and 14th from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., featuring the hanging baskets you’ve come to know and love, special pricing, treats and refreshments and a free plant for mom.
With the warm spring weather finally in place, the gardens are once again in spectacular form for our busiest weekend! Come see the show ponds, explore the lazy stream and get lost in the labyrinth. Step out back to visit the goats and alpacas, or take a stroll in our formal sunken garden.
This is the perfect time to pick up a gift for mom, or bring her along to pick out something on her own! We have a vast selection of garden art and terrestrial plants and flowers, and the largest catalog of aquatic plants and fish in Washington State!
If you can’t make it in for Mother’s Day weekend, we offer gift cards so mom can come in when she’s able to!
It’s finally warm! We only just started to recommend feeding koi after a long, cold winter – only once our show pond consistently stayed north of 50 degrees in mid-April.
The fish will be more active as we get into the late spring and summer season, and you’ll likely be spending more time outdoors as well! Here are a few things to keep tabs on to get ready for the warmer months. As always, if you have ideas for new features to your installation or want to plan a new pond, water feature or garden space, give us a call.
Pond Maintenance Made Simple
- Remove leaves and debris from ponds. The winter months have most likely blown quite a bit of it into the water.
- Inspect your pond. Take a careful look. Make sure there has been no winter damage to the pond or any of the components. Repair or replace as necessary.
- Start your pump. If your pump has been off for the winter, spring is the time to start it back up. Most people do this when the water temperature increases to around 50 degrees.
- Begin testing your pond water. Ammonia and nitrite levels are extremely important to inspect. Both of these should be zero. Perform partial water changes if either test gives a reading other than zero.
- Warm weather means your fish will soon be ready to start eating again. Until the water temperature is consistently above 50 degrees, continue to refrain from feeding the fish.
- Once the water temperature is into the 50°F’s you will want to feed a food designed for spring and fall. As the water temperature reaches into the 60°F’s it will be time to feed your regular summertime fish food.
- Fertilize hardy aquatic plants. When the water temp reaches 50°F, it is time to get hardy plants that survived the winter ready for a great year ahead. Also, for maximum performance, it may be necessary to divide some of these plants. If the plants are too crowded in their pots, they will suffer and their growth and flowering potential is limited.
By taking these relatively simple steps you can insure your pond’s health well through the year!
Bekko koi are non-metallic. They are solid white, red, or yellow with black markings. The head of Bekko koi should always be free of any sumi (black) markings. This breed of koi is one of the easiest breeds to identify, which is why it’s a popular breed for beginning koi enthusiasts.
Bekko: Solid white with sumi markings on the body
Aka Bekko: Solid red/orange with sumi markings on the body
Ki Bekko: Solid yellow with sumi markings on the body (this is the rarest)
Hippuris Vulgaris ‘Mare’s Tail’
Common mare’s-tail looks like a robust green bottle brush growing in patches primarily in the shallow areas of streams, ponds, and lakes or on wet muddy shores when water levels drop. This plant is characterized by unbranched stems, abundant whorled leaves, and inconspicuous flowers. The leaves and stems vary in form depending on whether they are growing underwater or are emergent. The underwater plant portions are limp, flexible, and have very long leaves. Emergent portions are stiff and erect, with short narrow leaves.
Lithodora Diffusa ‘Grace Ward’
This is one of the finest rock garden plants. It prefers a sunny location. Deep blue, small, funnel-shaped flowers renew themselves all summer long. Evergreen leaves are narrow, up to an inch long. Both stems and foliage are hairy. Performs best in loose, well-drained, acidic soil with ample summer water.
Pistia Stratiotes ‘Water Lettuce’
Water Lettuce is a floating plant with thick, fleshy, light green ribbed leaves that form a rosette that looks like a small head of lettuce. Individual rosettes can range from 2″ to 18″ across, depending on variety. The leaves are covered in tiny hairs that repel water. Like the water hyacinth, water lettuce is a vigorous grower and can form large mats that choke out other plants.
A welcome sight in the garden come spring, dianthus are admired for their spicy clove-scented flowers and cottage-style appeal. This low-maintenance plant blooms in nearly every color, from white to almost black. Plants come in a range of shapes and sizes, from low, mat-forming groundcovers to upright varieties 3 feet tall. Their uses in the garden are nearly endless, from border displays and rockeries, to containers and cutting gardens. Dianthus plants attract butterflies and hummingbirds, as well as pollinating insects.
Did you see something you’re interested in on a recent visit and can’t remember the instructions to care for your new plant? Check out our plant database, and ever-growing index of the plants we sell here at the nursery. You can get tips on the amount of sun, watering needs, placement in the garden and even other plants that may pair well with what you have!
If you’re ever here on site and are curious about something you see, scan the QR code on the sign to access the database entry on the plant in question.
Come be our guest at our annual Open House! We have a day of refreshment and inspiration planned just for you, amongst a mock-wedding setup in the gardens. Bring your family and friends – it’s free to attend and everyone is welcome!
Mocktail-hop some of the best mobile bars, meet & greet with local wedding planners, and see florists stunning displays amongst borrowed magic from rental companies you need to know. Sample top-notch cakes, catering and treats and watch a painter while he works.
Grab a staged shot from one of our talented photographers (it’ll be a day to remember!) and one more in the selfie photo booth. End it all by leaving a message on a rotary dial phone too sweet to skip.
We boast nearly THIRTY wedding vendors in attendance – one of the largest showcases in the area! View our full list of vendors and RSVP on our wedding website. RSVPs are greatly appreciated but not required. We hope to see you there!