Introducing one of the most popular breeds of koi, Kohaku.
What must you consider when picking out a Kohaku?
- skin quality
- pattern
- body shape
Kohaku are known for their lustrous white skin and vibrant red markings. The red markings across the body are called Hi and the radiant white is called Shiroji. The more Shiroji and balanced Hi on a Kohaku, the better!
Another aspect to note is the koi’s body type. You want the koi to have a thick caudal peduncle and a broad upper body.
Kohaku enthusiasts also look for vibrant and balanced Hi, with crisp lines, contrasting the white and red.

Variations of Kohaku include Doitsu Kohaku, Gin Rin Kohaku, Maruten Kohaku, and Tancho Kohaku.
Visit Falling Water Gardens to see Kohaku and other varieties of koi. They are so easy to love!