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Newsletter July 2014

Cool Plants

Did you find a must have plant? Save the QR code with your phone and save it so that next time you’re in we can help you get it!

Echinacea purpurea 'Green Jewel'Echinacea purpurea ‘Green Jewel’

Fairly compact in habit, an ideal height for sunny borders and growing in mixed containers. The large and fragrant blooms have a row of light-green petals surrounding a large central cone of deep green. The birds LOVE the seeds!

  • Light Need: Full Sun or Shade
  • Average landscape size: Reaches 18″ tall and wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous
  • Echinacea-purpurea-Green-Jewel


hosta frosted mouse earsHosta ‘Frosted Mouse Ears’

This is the mutation of the wildly popular Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ that everyone has been waiting for! The round, blue-green leaves of Hosta ‘Frosted Mouse Ears’ are surrounded by a wide, creamy white border that emerges gold. Hosta ‘Frosted Mouse Ears’ forms a 7″ tall x 1′ wide clump, topped in early summer with short spikes of lavender hummingbird-friendly flowers. As with most miniature hostas, the growth rate of Hosta ‘Frosted Mouse Ears’ is slow and they will need moist soil as well as an open space not crowded by larger encroaching plants.

  • Light need: Partial to full sun
  • Average landscape size: Reaches 12″ tall and 18″ wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous


Monarda-didyma-Jacob-ClineMonarda didyma ‘Jacob Cline’

Whorls of scarlet red tubular flowers blend perfectly with prairie wildflowers and herbs. Single plants make a great show, but groups heighten the effect. Dark green leaves have an aroma of mint and basil. High mildew resistance. This is a great hummingbird attraction!

  • Light need: Partial to full sun
  • Average landscape size:  Fast grower to 3 to 4 ft. tall, about 2 ft. wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous


Cosmos-atrosanguineusCosmos atrosanguineus ‘Chocolate Cosmos’

Velvety textured, chocolate-scented, deep maroon flowers with darker brown center on divided dark green leaves. Provide fertile, well-drained soil for care-free, fast-growing performance.

  • Light need: Full sun
  • Average landscape size: 30 in. tall, 18 in. wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous


melianthus major honeybushMelianthus major ‘Honey bush’

This fast growing evergreen open shrub can grow up to 12 feet tall or more and spreads rapidly by sucker roots. The one foot long bluish-green leaves have 10-15 serrated leaflets. When bruised it has a strong salty peanut butter like smell! Grab the plant above and have peanut butter and chocolate!


  • Light need: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Average landscape size: 6-10ft tall and 3-6ft wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Evergreen


colocasia esculenta black magicColocasia esculenta ‘Black Magic’

Large striking, dusty purple-black foliage contrasts spectacularly with bright-colored plants. Spreads freely in rich, wet soils; more slowly in dry, clay soil. Adds bold color and tropical flair to any garden. Herbaceous.

  • Light need: Filtered sun
  • Average landscape size: Reaches 5 to 6 ft. tall and wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous



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