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Newsletter June 2014

Father's Day

Cool Plants


Penstemon 'Firebird'Penstemon ‘Firebird’

Evergreen perennial growing 2 feet tall, 1 & 1/2 foot spread with showy panicles of 1 inch true red flowers late spring into fall if old flowers are removed. Full sun or light shade, drought and deer resistant. It is one of the standards of the English garden and makes a good cut flower

  • Light Need: Full Sun or Shade
  • Average landscape size: Reaches 2-3ft. tall and wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Semi Evergreen

cornus alba elegantissimaCornus alba ‘Elegantissima’ – Variegated Red Twig Dogwood

Variegated leaves, attractive berries, stunning fall color and showy red stems in winter make this Dogwood a shrub for all seasons! This vigorous, adaptable plant will form a thicket of upright blood red stems. Gray-green leaves have a creamy white margin. Berries are white, often tinged with blue and green. Ideal for naturalizing. Stem and leaf color is best in full sun.

  • Light need: Partial to full sun
  • Average landscape size: Moderate grower to 6 to 8 ft. tall, 4 to 6 ft. wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Deciduous

Heuchera MarmaladeHeuchera ‘Marmalade’ – Marmalade Coral Bells

Dramatic foliage ranges from deep golden to glowing reddish-pink with undulating margins. Golden mature foliage features contrasting hot pink undersides. A vigorous grower of heavy substance that is showy in many seasons. 

  • Light need: Partial to full sun
  • Average landscape size:  Foliage mounds to 10 in. tall, 16 in. wide; flower spikes to 18 in.
  • Plant characteristic: Evergreen

Snapshot Pink SnapdragonSnapshot Pink Snapdragon

Delivers a perfect balance of earliness and good pack performance, combined with strong garden performance. Bushy, compact plants are topped by closely spaced, full flower spikes. Uniform flowering, with a 7 to 10-day window for Spring and Autumn sales in packs and small pots.

  • Light need: Full sun
  • Average landscape size: 6-10 in tall and 10-12 in wide
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Helleborus SnowfeverHelleborus argutifolius ‘Snow Fever’

Variegated hellebore with eye catching green and white foliage with slight purple overtones. Stable variegation! Creamy green flowers. Vigorous compact grower.

  • Light need: Partial to full sun
  • Average landscape size: 12-24″ tall and wide
  • Plant characteristic: Evergreen

Beauty of Livermere Oriental PoppyBeauty of Livermere Oriental Poppy

Deep, blood red ruffled blooms with a black cone like center top the short, wiry stems on this dramatic poppy. Plant in mixed beds, alongside other sun loving perennials so as to mask the withering foliage late in the season.

  • Light need: Full Sun
  • Average landscape size: Moderate growing, 24 to 30 in. tall and 18 to 24 in. wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Centaurea montanaCentaurea montana – Mountain Bluet

Delicately fringed, rich blue flowers with reddish-blue centers appear atop tall unbranched stems. In cooler climates, can spread and naturalize to form colonies of gray-green, lance-shaped leaves. Excellent for naturalized meadows.

  • Light need: Full Sun
  • Average landscape sizeErect, clumping stems 12 to 24 in. tall, 12 to 18 in. wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

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