Current Pond 48° F
Updated: 2.22.25

Newsletter March 2015

Pond Cleanings

IMG_0781We are now scheduling pond cleanings for March for those who do not have fish in their ponds. We will start cleaning ponds that have fish when the water temperature gets above 50 degrees F.

To schedule an appointment please email or call us at (360)863-1400

Our prices remain the same as in years past. If we have never cleaned your pond and you would like a quote, please give us a call.

What do we do for a spring pond cleaning?

  • Drain and clean the pond and refill
  • Check water quality, PH and ammonia levels
  • Check fish health
  • Check aquatic plants and move to the proper level, fertilize, and divide if necessary
  • Check the pump and clean the volute
  • Check the skimmer
  • Start the biological filter
  • Start the UV Sterilizer
  • Check the auto-fill valve, lights, and other plumbing.

Are you a do it yourselfer kind of person? Check out our How-To video on Pond Cleaning 101

Please note that we’ve updated our newsletter format. You may navigate through this newsletter by clicking on the page numbers below.