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Newsletter May 2014

Mother's Day

Cool Plants

Sambucus nigra “Black Lace”

Distinctive lacy foliage all season and soft pink early summer flowers. Season long color and texture. Fall fruit attracts birds. Deer resistant.

  • Light Need: Full Sun
  • Average landscape size: Reaches 6 to 8 ft. tall and wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Deciduous

bleedingheart_valintineDicentra spectabilis ‘Valentine’

This beauty features arching spikes of elegant cherry-red, heart-shaped blooms with white tips held on dark burgundy stems. Blooms late spring to early summer.

  • Light need: Partial to full sun
  • Average landscape size: 30 inches tall and wide
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous


Dicentra Golden Bleeding Heart heartshapped

Vivid golden foliage on large open plants can be used for contrast and to brighten darker shade gardens. Traditional heart shaped pink flowers dangle from long wands above the leaves. Perfect for woodland gardens and under larger shade trees.

  • Light need: Full to partial shade
  • Average landscape size:  Fast growing 24 to 36 inches tall, 18 to 24 inches wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Houttuynia cordata 'Chameleon'Houttuynia cordata ‘Chameleon’

A spectacular show of color! Depending on how much sunlight is available, the Chameleon plant changes color, hence the common name. In shady areas, the leaves will be variegated green and cream. With more sun, they will take on striking hues of yellow, pink, and scarlet red. In early summer, nickel-sized, white flowers appear sporadically.

  • Light need: Full sun to part shade
  • Average landscape size: 6-9 in tall and 12-16 in wide
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Hakonechloa All Gold

A graceful, colorful groundcover for shady areas. Slender stems hold bright golden-yellow foliage having the effect of a tiny bamboo. Great in containers or color accent in borders. 

  • Light need: Partial sun
  • Average landscape sizeSpreading clumping habit to 18 in. tall and wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous


Cupressus macrocarpa ‘Wilma Goldcrest’

Dwarf evergreen shrub has a tight, columnar habit with exceptional, golden-yellow fragrant foliage. Plant to the front of dark green trees and shrubs, or among purple or red foliaged plants for exceptional contrast. An easy to grow container plant, specimen or hedge.

  • Light need: Full Sun
  • Average landscape size: Reaches 6 – 8 feet tall and 1 – 2 feet wide at maturity
  • Plant characteristic: Evergreen

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3 thoughts on “Newsletter May 2014”

  1. Pam Styles says:

    Great news letter! 🙂

  2. Laura La Borde says:

    Could you please add me to your Newsletter list.

    Thank you,

    1. admin says:

      We’ve added you to the list. Thank you!

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