Current Pond 44° F
Updated: 1.22.25

Scavenger Hunt – WELCOME!

Welcome to the Falling Water Gardens SCAVENGER HUNT!!!!

-Find the clues that are hidden throughout the nursery.
-If you wish to play the QR code version then make sure your smart phone has a QR code reader (free app: “QR Code Reader”).
-Use the QR code reader by hovering your phone’s camera over the code located on the clue sheets.
-There are 7 clues that will lead you to the end of the hunt.
-Have fun and good luck!

Clue #1:
I am located near a water fountain that resembles the famous Stonehenge monument. Come take a seat near my resting place and you’ll find my smooth, stone face that is next to your clue, clue #2!

Falling Water Designs Logo





Clue #3Clue #3

On to Clue #3! Rulers of the lands long ago. Hollywood made a movie us also. We’re misunderstood, but we make a fabulous selfie. If you would like to play

Clue #2Clue #2

Great job! Here is a hint for Clue #2: I am a reptile that has been around for over 200 million years. Some of us can live to be over