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Updated: 2.22.25

Newsletter May 2014

Mother's Day

 What’s New

Spring Hours are now in effect! We are open daily from 10am to 6pm.

Pond Cleanings
We are still scheduling pond cleanings. Would you like to be on the list? Email us at or give us a call at (360) 863-1400.

Our prices remain the same as in years past. If we have never cleaned your pond and you would like a quote, please give us a call.

What do we do for a spring pond cleaning?

  • Drain and clean the pond and refill
  • Check water quality, PH and ammonia levels
  • Check fish health
  • Check aquatic plants and move to the proper level, fertilize, and divide if necessary
  • Check the pump and clean the volute
  • Check the skimmer
  • Start the biological filter
  • Start the UV Sterilizer
  • Check the auto-fill valve, lights, and other plumbing.

Most pond owners are capable of performing a pond cleaning, and we always encourage Do-it-yourselfers. However we’ve cleaned hundreds and hundreds of ponds. It’s an important part of what we do. If you are feeling up to it you may want to consult this how-to video Pond Cleaning 101.

New Items

Glass Bamboo

If you are looking for something unique and one of a kind then these glass bamboos are definitely the thing!! Handcrafted locally by Jesse Kelly these are sure to be the talk of your garden or home.

Jesse Kelly began as an 18 year old apprentice at a Seattle production studio. In years since, he has worked with inspiring glass artists, both locally and abroad. Jesse has been a member of Italian master glass artist Lino Tagliapietra’s team for the last ten years. Jesse studied at the Pilchuck Glass School as a student and teacher’s assistant, and has taught glassblowing at the Pratt Fine Arts Center. In 2004, he worked as a guest designer and gaffer in the Czech Republic, participating in an exchange of Western and traditional Czech glassblowing techniques.
Over the years, Jesse’s appreciation and passion for glass has continued to grow. He draws inspiration from the icons of his childhood and from meaningful life experiences, which he strives to translate into his glasswork. Jesse’s successful and popular body of work includes a variety of glass landscape installations, his unique fruit series, glass sculpture, bowls, vessels and more.


Glass Flowers

Jesse Kelly also handcrafted these fun and unique glass flowers. They come in several different colors, sizes and shapes!

Glass KoiGlass Koi

While on the topic of glass we’ve also got these gorgeous glass Koi in a small and large size.

Glass Ornaments Glass Ornaments

We know Christmas is still months away but how can you not love these adorable and gorgeous ornaments?! There are Koi, Butterflies, Hummingbirds and even Flamingos!


 Veggie Starts are here!

We’ve got a great variety of starts this year. What do you like? There’s broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, tomatoes, peppers, squash, chard, lettuce, beets and that’s just naming a few. It’s that time of year. Get out in your garden and plant some vegetables!

Thinking about herbs? We’ve got those too. Take your pick of sage, basil, rosemary, chives, thyme, and on, and on.


Beneficial InsectsLadybug

The Lady Bug is the most widely recognized of all Beneficial Insects. The Lady Bug, actually a beetle, is known mostly for aphid control but also feeds on chinch bugs, asparagus beetle larvae, thrips, Colorado potato beetle, white fly & mites. The Lady Bug is effective in gardens and greenhouses and will attack pests in both it’s larvae and adult stages. Ladybugs will consume over 1,000 aphids in it’s lifetime.

Praying MantisWhile the Praying Mantis is a general predator that attacks any garden pest it can get it’s hands on most people buy them for the interesting way they protect the garden. The Praying Mantis gets it’s name by the way they patiently stand with it’s forelegs tucked under it’s chin waiting for dinner to walk by. When someone does get too close the mantis can grab it’s prey faster than a housefly can flap it’s wings one time trying to get away. Once the Mantis has a hold of a victim in it’s vise like hooks they always bite the neck first. Mantises are sold in the egg case that will hatch from 50 to 200 baby Mantises once things get warm enough in spring.

We have ladybugs for sale at 11.95. You get about 500 ladybugs in a container! We also have Praying Mantis for sale at $11.95 as well. The Praying Mantis container has two sacs which contains hundreds in each sac. 


Please note that we’ve updated our newsletter format. You may navigate through this newsletter by clicking on the page numbers below.

3 thoughts on “Newsletter May 2014”

  1. Pam Styles says:

    Great news letter! 🙂

  2. Laura La Borde says:

    Could you please add me to your Newsletter list.

    Thank you,

    1. admin says:

      We’ve added you to the list. Thank you!

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