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Newsletter September 2014

Cool Plants

Did you find a must have plant? Save the QR code with your phone and so that next time you’re in we can help you get it!

Lobelia cardinalisLobelia cardinalis ‘Queen Victoria’

The perennial Lobelias have upright spikes of large flowers, not at all like the more familiar trailing types grown in hanging baskets. They are terrific plants for the boggy garden, adapting well to ‘wet feet’, but growing equally well under average conditions.

  • Light Need: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Average size: Reaches 35″ tall and 18″ wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Lobelia cardinalis

AnemonePrinceHenryAnemone hupehensis ‘Prince Henry’

Japanese Anemone are outstanding plants for the late summer and fall garden. The branching stems of poppy-like flowers are superb for cutting.

  • Light need: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Average size: Reaches 31″ tall and 35″ wide
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous



carextenuiculmisOrange New Zealand Sedge

Bright green at the base, the foliage displays a nice orange-brown color in spring and summer, becoming noticeably orange in winter. A great filler for perennial borders or as a groundcover. Will self-sow but not aggressively.

  • Light need: Partial to Full Sun
  • Average landscape size: Mounding form 18 to 24 in. tall and wide.
  • Plant characteristic: Evergreen
  • Carex testacea


pineapplelilyPineapple Lily

The pineapple lily flower is formed by a spike of multiple smaller flowers coming from a rosette of thick leaves. These flowers range in color from cream and green to pinkish-purple. The pineapple lily flower spike is topped with a pineapple-like cluster of leaves.

  • Light need: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Average landscape size: Grows up to 2ft tall and wide
  • Plant characteristic: Herbaceous

Eucomis oakhurst


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